Become a Sponsor
To fulfill its mission to support the Technology Entrepreneur in the Austin area, TeXchange relies on corporate sponsorships to partially underwrite its activities.
As a result, TeXchange accepts a limited number of Sponsors each year.
Why become a sponsor?
Some benefits of becoming a sponsor are:
Industry Exclusivity: TeXchange shall not approve more than two Sponsors which participates in the same industry as current sponsors;
Networking + Authority: TeXchange provides to Sponsor opportunities to network, provide speakers and content for lunch meetings;
Instant Memberships: Sponsor shall have the right to designate two of its Senior Executives as “Members” of TeXchange, and those specific Senior Executives shall be recognized as “Members” of TeXchange;
Input on TeXchange Mission: TeXchange shall operate and maintain a Sponsors’ Council on which every Sponsor will be invited to participate. The Council which will provide input to the TeXchange Board of Directors on meeting ideas, concepts, initiatives, etc. that would be intended to further the mission of TeXchange.
Why does TeXchange rely on sponsorship?
Austin Chapter of the Technology Entrepreneur’s Exchange (“TeXchange”) supports a wide range of projects and hosts regular and special events which promote and support technology entrepreneurs in the Austin business community through education, leadership and development of strategic relationships.
TeXchange operates as a non-profit entity with tax-exempt status as determined by the State of Texas and the Internal Revenue Service.
We appreciate your interest and support!
All TeXchange sponsors are local businesses that serve Austin’s technology sector.
From accounting to legal to financing and advising, these generous businesses enable TeXchange to put on great events throughout the year.